American Public Opinion
Palestinians, Israelis & Various Solutions

In September 2023 and November 2023, 42% of Americans supported a demilitarized state in the West Bank and Gaza. In September 2023, 43% of Americans supported financial compensation for Palestinian refugees and limited refugee return compared to 40% in November 2023. In September 2023, 47% of Americans supported 1967 borders compared to 46% in November 2023. In September 2023, 38% of Americans supported East Jerusalem becoming Palestinian state compared to 39% in November 2023.

In September 2023 and November 2023, 56% of Americans supported the return of Palestinian refugees to their homes. In September 2023 and November 2023Q4, 45% of Americans agreed that Israel is a democratic country. In September 2023, 36% of Americans agreed that Israel is settler colonialist enterprise compared to 37% in November 2023. In September 2023, 52% of Americans agreed that Israel represents the return of Jews to their homeland compared to 55% in November 2023.
In September 2023, 52% of Americans agreed that Palestinians deserve state of their own compared to 55% in November 2023. In September 2023, 62% of Americans agreed that the refugee problem should be negotiated between Israel and Palestinians compared to 64% in November 2023. In September 2023, 19% of Americans agreed that there is no such thing as a Palestinian people compared to 16% in November 2023.

In November 2023, 47% of Americans agreed that one of the main problems in the Israeli Palestinian conflict is that Israel does not recognize the Palestinians' right to self-determination compared to 53% in November 2023.

In November 2023, 20% of Americans agreed that the Israeli Palestinian conflict will be resolved when all Jews go back to where they came from.

In September 2023 and November 2023, 41% of Americans agreed that one of the main problems in the Israeli Palestinian conflict is Israel's abuse of the Palestinians.

In September 2023, 52% of Americans agreed that one of the main problems in the Israeli Palestinian conflict is Palestinian terrorism compared to 60% in November 2023.

In September 2023, 26% of Americans empathies were with Israelis and 22% with Palestinians. In November 2023, 35% of Americans empathies were with Israelis compared to 26% with Palestinians.

In September 2023, 34% of Americans had a favorable opinion of the Israeli government compared to 39% in November 2023. In September 2023, 55% of Americans had a favorable opinion of the Israeli people compared to 56% in November 2023. In September 2023, 22% of Americans had a favorable opinion of the Palestinian government compared to 20% in November 2023. In September 2023, 43% of Americans had a favorable opinion of the Palestinian people compared to 42% in November 2023.